The public review and comment period:
Documents for review and comment are listed below:
- Arkansas FY2025-2028 TIP Amendment #1
The FY2025-28 TIP Amendment #1 and comment forms will be available for review online at and at the Texarkana Metropolitan Planning Organization. Comments from the public will be reviewed prior to the MPO Policy Board consideration of adoption of the documents.
Public notice of public involvement activities and time established for public review and comments on the TIP will satisfy the POP requirements.
Texarkana MPO
PO Box 1967 – 75504 220 Texas Boulevard, 1st Floor Texarkana, Texas 75501 (903) 798-3927 (telephone) (903) 798-3773 (fax) joanne.gray@txkusa.orgPUBLIC NOTICE
The public review and comment period:
July 9 - July 18, 2024.
The Texarkana Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is offering a public review and comment period for the Arkansas Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), and the FY 2024 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Amendment #2.
The following documents are for public review:
- FY2025-2028 Arkansas Transportation Improvement Program:
- The TIP is a listing of transportation projects proposed to be developed in the Texarkana area.
- FY2024 Unified Planning Work Program Amendment #2:
- The UPWP is a transportation planning and programming documents that defines the MPO's work program in a fiscal year.
The TIP and UPWP and comment forms will be available for review online and at the Texarkana Metropolitan Planning Organization. Comments from the public will be reviewed prior to the MPO Policy Board consideration of adoption of the documents.
Public notice of public involvement activities and time established for public review and comments on the TIP will satisfy the POP requirements.
Comments may be mailed, emailed, faxed, or delivered to:
Texarkana MPO
220 Texas Boulevard, 1st Floor
Texarkana, Texas 75501
(903) 798-3927 (telephone)
(903) 798-3773 (fax) /
Texarkana Policy Board Meeting
Date - Wednesday - May 15, 2024
Time: 10:30 am
Location: Ark-Tex Council of Governments (ATCOG)
4808 Elizabeth Street, Texarkana, TX
Topics to be discussed/presented are but not limited to:
- FY2025-2028 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) - Texas portion
- FY2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) - Arkansas portion - Transit Funding
- FY2024-2025 Unified Planning Work Program Amendment #1
- FY2025-2034 10-Year Plan
Please contact the Texarkana MPO if you need assistance in attending the meeting.
220 Texas Boulevard, 1st Floor Texarkana, Texas 75501 (903) 798-3927 (telephone) (903) 798-3773 (fax)
The public review and comment period:
May 4 - May 14, 2024.
The Texarkana Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is offering a public review and comment period for the Arkansas and Texas Transportation Improvement Program(s). The TIP is a listing of transportation projects proposed to be developed in the Texarkana area. The UPWP is the planning priorities and activities to be carried out within the metropolitan planning area.
Documents for review and comment are listed below:
- Arkansas FY2023-2026 TIP Amendment #3
- Add funding for Transit - Section 5307 (FY2022) to FY2024
- Add funding for Transit - Section 5339 (FY2022) to FY2024
- Add funding for Transit - Section 5339 (FY2021) to FY2024
- Texas TIP
- New Document for FY2025 - 2028
- FY 2024 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Amendment #1
- Remove specific funding from Resiliency and Safety Action Plan.
- Increase funding for FY2024.
The UPWP, TIPs and comment forms will be available for review online at and at the Texarkana Metropolitan Planning Organization. Comments from the public will be reviewed prior to the MPO Policy Board consideration of adoption of the documents.
Public notice of public involvement activities and time established for public review and comments on the TIP will satisfy the POP requirements.
Comments may be mailed, emailed, faxed, or delivered to:
Texarkana MPO
220 Texas Boulevard, 1st Floor
Texarkana, Texas 75501
(903) 798-3927 (telephone)
(903) 798-3773 (fax) /
Texarkana Policy Board Meeting
Date - Wednesday - February 21, 2024
Time: 10:30 am
Location: Ark-Tex Council of Governments (ATCOG)
4808 Elizabeth Street, Texarkana, TX
Topics to be discussed/presented are but not limited to:
- Safety Targets for ARDOT and TXDOT
- Prioritization of area projects
- Presentation on the State Infrastructure Bank (SIB)
Please contact the Texarkana MPO if you need assistance in attending the meeting.
220 Texas Boulevard, 1st Floor Texarkana, Texas 75501 (903) 798-3927 (telephone) (903) 798-3773 (fax)
Texarkana Policy Board Meeting
Date: Wednesday, December 17, 2023
Time: 10:30 am
Location: Ark-Tex Council of Governments (ATCOG)
4808 Elizabeth Street, Texarkana, TX
Topics to be discussed are but not limited to:
- Safety Targets for ARDOT and TXDOT
- FY 2023 Annual Project Listing (APL) for ARDOT
- FY 2023 Annual Performance and Expenditure Report (APER)
Please contact the Texarkana MPO if you need assistance in attending the meeting.
220 Texas Boulevard, 1st Floor Texarkana, Texas 75501 (903) 798-3927 (telephone) (903) 798-3773 (fax)
The Texarkana Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is offering a
public review and comment period from
Sunday, December 2 thru Tuesday, December 11, 2023
ALL Comments must be received by or postmarked by December 11, 2023, to be included in the revision.
The Public Review and Comment Period is for the following MPO documents:
- FY2022 Annual Project Listing (APL) -- The APL is a listing of transportation projects that were awarded for construction during the last fiscal year. The APL is a federally mandated document that allows the public to review MPO, Department of Transportation (Arkansas and Texas) and Texarkana Urban Transit District selected projects/program that enhance the Texarkana area transportation network including increasing capacity, transit operations, transportation system management, safety, and resurfacing projects.
- FY2024 Safety Performance Measures/Targets for ARDOT and TXDOT -- The Safety PM establishes the process for State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) to establish and report their safety targets, and the process that FHWA will use to assess whether State DOTs have met or made significant progress toward meeting their safety targets. The Safety PM Final Rule establishes five performance measures as the five-year rolling averages to include:
- Number of Fatalities
- Rate of Fatalities per 100 million Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)
- Number of Serious Injuries
- Rate of Serious Injuries per 100 million VMT
- Number of Non-motorized Fatalities and Non-motorized Serious Injuries
The documents are available, in English, on the MPO website (Announcement Page) or by contacting the MPO Office at the address listed below. The MPO makes every reasonable effort to accommodate the needs of the public. If you have special communication or accommodation needs, please contact the MPO Office. Comment forms are available on the MPO website, on the "Contact Us" tab. Submit comments via mail, email, or fax.
Public notice of public involvement activities and time established for public review and comments on the TIP will satisfy the POP requirements.
Texarkana MPO
220 Texas Boulevard, 1st Floor
Texarkana, Texas 75501
(903) 798-3927 (telephone)
(903) 798-3773 (fax) /
For your consideration:
Resolution 3 FY2024 Safety Target_ARDOT
Resolution 4 FY2024 Safety Target_TXDOT
The Arkansas Department of Transportation (ARDOT) is committed to providing a safe, efficient, and accessible transportation system for all individuals. Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires all public agencies to have an ADA Transition plan. The plan serves to ensure no person is excluded from participation in or denied the benefits of any program or activity on the grounds of disability.
To ensure equal accessibility in activities for public rights of way, ARDOT is updating its ADA Transition Plan. The updated plan is a living document that will serve as a guide to further the mission, vision, core values, and goals of ARDOT. A PDF copy of the draft plan can be found at: WWW.ARDOT.GOV/TP.
Public engagement is a critical component to the success of ARDOT's plan. ARDOT is requesting input from agencies, organizations, and individuals with disabilities. Those who would like to provide input and specific recommendations are asked to email the ADA Coordinator at This valuable information will help address and prioritize current and future needs
Texarkana Policy Board Meeting
Date: Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Time: 10:30 am
Location: Ark-Tex Council of Governments (ATCOG)
4808 Elizabeth Street, Texarkana, TX
Topics to be discussed are but not limited to:
- FY 2022-2023 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)Amendment #6
- FY 2024-2025 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)
- FY 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program (TIPPerformance Targets-Texas
- FY2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)Performance Targets -Arkansas
- FY 2022 Annual Project Listing -Texas
Please contact the Texarkana MPO if you need assistance in attending the meeting.
220 Texas Boulevard, 1st Floor Texarkana, Texas 75501 (903) 798-3927 (telephone) (903) 798-3773 (fax)
Agenda available here
The Texarkana Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is offering a
public review and comment period from
Friday, May 5 through May 15, 2023.
ALL Comments must be received by or postmarked by May 15, 2023, to be included in the revision.
The Public Review and Comment Period is for the following MPO documents:
- FY2022-2023 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Amendment Six. The removal of Task 5.2 development of a Safety Plan for the Texarkana MPO Region and funds of $50,000.
- FY2024-2026 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP). The FY2024-2026 UPWP is adopted bi-annually in cooperation with public transit agencies, local governments, and the state DOTs. The UPWP serves as the organization's annual budget and work program in addition to addressing eligibility requirements for continued federal transportation funding.
- FY2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) - Texas portion. The adoption of safety performance measures is required on an annual basis. The adoption of bridge and pavement performance measures is required on a bi-annual basis. These performance targets are for FY2023.
- FY2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Amendment 1 - Arkansas portion. The adoption of bridge and pavement performance measures is required on a bi-annual basis. These performance targets are for FY2023.
- FY2022 Annual Project Listing - TXDOT. This is an annual report that lists projects for which Federal funds have been obligated in the preceding year.
- Throughoughfare Plan Adoption
Texarkana MPO
220 Texas Boulevard, 1st Floor
Texarkana, Texas 75501
(903) 798-3927 (telephone)
(903) 798-3773 (fax) /
The Texarkana Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Policy Board will hold its annual meeting on December 14, 2022,at 10:30 am. The meeting will take place at City Hall -2ndFloor Conference Room -220 Texas Blvd,Texarkana, TX
Items on the agenda include but not limited to:
- FY 2022 Annual Performance and Expenditure Report (APER)
- FY 2022 Annual Project Listing (APL) for the Arkansas Department of Transportation
- FY 2022-2023 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)
- FY 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Amendment #1 -Texas portion
- FY 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program -Arkansas portion
- Presentation by Alliance Transportation Group on the Thoroughfare Plan Study
Please contact the Texarkana MPOif you need assistance in attending the meeting.
220 Texas Boulevard, 1st Floor Texarkana, Texas 75501 (903) 798-3927 (telephone) (903) 798-3773 (fax) www.texarkanampo.comPolicy Board
Wednesday, September 21, 2022 @ 10:30 am City Hall - Texarkana, TX 220 Texas Blvd. 2nd Floor Conference room
joanne.gray@txkusa.orgPUBLIC NOTICE
The Texarkana Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is holding a public review and comment period on the FY2022-2023 Unified Planning Work program (UPWP) Amendment Three. The proposed amendment is to update FY2023 Task 5.0 to include:
- extend the timeline for work to the Thoroughfare Plan;
- change Task 5 funding amounts; and the
- change of funding amounts for the FY2023 MPO budget.
The public review and comment period
Saturday, September 17,2022, throughMonday, September 26, 2022 ALL Comments must be received by or postmarked by Monday, September 26, 2022, , to be include in the revision.
The MPO makes every reasonable effort to accommodate the needs of the public. The documents are published in English. Please contact the MPO office at least 4-5 working days prior to the end of the comment period if you need special communication or accommodation needs.
Comment forms are available on the MPO website, on the "Contact Us" tab, and at the MPO Office. Comment will be accepted by mail, email, or fax until close of business on September 26, 2022.
MPO Policy Board Meeting
Wednesday, August 17, 2022
10:30 am.
Texas side City Hall
2nd Floor Conference Room
220 Texas Boulevard
Texarkana, Texas 75501
Items on the agenda include but not limited to:
- FY 2023 Texarkana Urban Transit District (TUTD) Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan (TPASP) Targets
- FFY 2023 Safety Performance Targets for ARDOT
This open meeting of a governmental entity is subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act (Chapter 551, government
Code). This meeting is being conducted in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act [42 USC 12101
(1991)]. The facility is wheelchair accessible and handicap parking is available. Request for sign interpretive
services is available upon requests received at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. To make arrangements for these
services, please call 903-798-3959, Personnel or (TDD) 1.800.RELAY.TX (1.800.735.2989).
The public is welcome to attend in person or online. Online information is listed below. If you need assistance in attending the meeting in person, please contact the MPO office at (903) 798-3959, at least 2 days prior to the meeting.
Public notice of public involvement activities and time established for public review and comments will satisfy the Program
of Projects (POP) requirements
The Texarkana Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is offering a public review and comment period on the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) - Texas portion. The purpose of the comment period is to gather public input on the proposed FY 2023-2026 Texas TIP for the Texarkana Metropolitan Planning Area. The TIP is a 4-year listing of transportation projects and strategies, addressing the region's transportation needs. The FY 2023-2026 Texas TIP identifies both local and state projects, that are supported by local governments and Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) which will be included in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program.
The public review and comment period will begin on Wednesday, April 13th and will end Friday, April 22nd. ALL Comments must be received by or postmarked by Friday, April 22, 2022, to be include in the revision.
The FY 2023-2026 Texas TIP is available for comment by contacting the MPO Office at (903) 798-3927. A copy of the TIP can be mailed to you, found on the MPO Website, or obtained at the Texarkana MPO Office. Please call before coming to the MPO office.
Comment forms are available on the MPO website, on the "Contact Us" tab. Comments from the public will be reviewed before the MPO Policy Board considers the document for adoption. Comments will be accepted by mail,email, or fax.
The MPO makes every reasonable effort to accommodate the needs of the public. The documents are published in English. If you have special communication or accommodation needs, or have a need for an interpreter, a request can be made. Please call the MPO at (903)798-3927 at least 4-5 working days prior to the end of the comment period.
Public notice of public involvement activities and time established for public review and comments on the TIP will satisfy the POP requirements.
Texarkana MPO
PO Box 1967 – 75504 220 Texas Boulevard, 1st Floor Texarkana, Texas 75501 (903) 798-3927 (telephone) (903) 798-3773 (fax) joanne.gray@txkusa.orgPUBLIC MEETING
The Texarkana Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) will hold the first of two (2) public meetings to solicit comments for an amendment to the 2045 Texarkana Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP).
MPO Office
220 Texas Blvd, 1st Floor
Texarkana, TX
4 PM to 6 PM
First Meeting: Thursday, March 3, 2022
Second Meeting: Thursday, March 17, 2022
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss changes in cost and description of projects in the 2045 MTP. MPO Staff will be present to answer questions and receive comments. All citizens are invited to express their views and discuss the projects.
Those interested in attending the meeting who have special communication or accommodation needs are encouraged to contact us at 903-798-3927 48-hour prior to the meeting. The MPO will make reasonable efforts to accommodate these needs.
The public is encouraged to review and comment on the proposed changes of the 2045 MTP during the thirty (30) day comment period from February 16, 2022, through March 18, 2022.
Comment forms will be available on the MPO website, on the "Contact Us" tab, and at the MPO Office. Comments from the public will be reviewed before the MPO Policy Board considers the document for adoption. Comments will be accepted by mail, email, or fax.
Texarkana MPO
PO Box 1967 – 75504 220 Texas Boulevard, 1st Floor Texarkana, Texas 75501 (903) 798-3927 (telephone) (903) 798-3773 (fax) joanne.gray@txkusa.orgPublic notice of public involvement activities and time established for public review and comments on the 2045 MTP will satisfy the POP requirements.
For your consideration:
The Texarkana Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is offering a
Bus & Bus Facilities -- Capital -- Rolling Stock
Apportionment Year | FY 2019 | $51,352 Federal | $12,838 Local |
Apportionment Year | FY 2020 | $53,447 Federal | $13,361 Local |
Bus & Bus Facilities -- Capital -- Rolling Stock
Apportionment Year | FY 2019 | $142,787 Federal |
Apportionment Year | FY 2020 | $138,982 Federal |
The public review and comment period will
The FY 2021-2024 TIPs Amendment Three will be available on the MPO website (Announcement Page) or by contacting the MPO Office at (903) 798-3927. A copy of the TIP amendment can be mailed to you or make an appointment to visit the Texarkana MPO, Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
The documents are published in English. If you have special communication needs a request can be made. Please call the MPO at (903)798-3927 at least 4 working days prior to the end of the comment period. Comment forms will be available on the MPO website, on the "Contact Us" tab. Comments from the public will be reviewed before the MPO Policy Board considers the document for adoption. The MPO is requesting that all comments be submitted by mail, email, or fax due to the COVID-19 and social distancing.
Texarkana MPO
PO Box 1967 – 75504 220 Texas Boulevard, 1st Floor Texarkana, Texas 75501 (903) 798-3927 (telephone) (903) 798-3773 (fax) joanne.gray@txkusa.orgPublic notice of public involvement activities and time established for public review and comments on the TIP will satisfy the POP requirements
Documents for Review
Resolution 11, FY2021-24 TIP Amendment 3 ArDOTResolution 12 FY2021-24 TIP Amendment 3 TxDOT

I-30 Widening Project: Four Lane to Six Lane
Atlanta District
Construction Update
Sunday, Oct. 10, 2021, beginning at 5 a.m.:
The I-30 westbound mainline closures will be from west of Summerhill Road to west of Pavilion Parkway. Mainline traffic will be completely stopped for approximately 15-minute increments, after which traffic queues will be cleared. Once traffic resumes normal free-flow status, the process will be repeated, as necessary, until the investigation is completed.
Entrance ramps from the westbound Frontage Road will be closed in the area between the Tourist Information Center and Pavilion Parkway. Ramps will be closed the entire duration.
Traffic can exit the mainlines and travel westbound along the Frontage Road. Traffic will be able to re-enter westbound I-30 at the ramp west of University Avenue. Traffic will be able to access US 59/I-369 by using the turnaround bridge at University Avenue.
Duration of work could change due to inclement weather or other unforeseen problems.
Motorists can check traffic updates by visiting
The following is a link to TxDOT’s general I-30 Corridor Public Information page: Click Here
The following is a link to the I-30 Widening Project (the project currently under construction) Public Information page: Click Here
We will do our best to keep you updated and informed when there are major changes in the traffic patterns during construction.
Please do your part to help us keep the traveling public safe by watching for changes in traffic patterns and giving 100% of your attention to driving, the task at hand. Encourage your friends and family to do the same.
Drive safely out there!
For Public Review And Comment
FY2021-2024 Arkansas Transportation Plan (TIP) Amendment 2FY2021-2024 Texas Transportation Plan (TIP) Amendment 2
FY2022-2023 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Amendment 1

The MPO office will be closed to the public until further notice. However, you can still contact the MPO Office through telephone, email or mail. Please see 'Contact Us' for contact information.
Links for more information related to what is happening in Texarkana USA, during this time, in regards to closures, meetings, bus schedules, etc.
City of Texarkana, Texas Official Website